
The PayMongo dashboard

Navigate through your PayMongo Dashboard and handle all your online payments like a pro!

One of the best ways to make sure your business is running smoothly is to expertly navigate your way through your PayMongo Dashboard!

As you may know, your Dashboard contains all the things that you need to know about your transactions as it lets you confirm customer payments automatically, track and manage all your payments, and issue refunds.

Here is an in-depth guide to each of the available tabs in managing your PayMongo Dashboard!

How do PayMongo Links work?

Create and manage your PayMongo Links on this page. PayMongo Links allows for flexible payment collection by giving your customers several payment methods. Learn More.

Get to know your Page dashboard

Create and manage your PayMongo Pages. PayMongo Pages are always online and accessible with a link. Accept credit cards and e-wallet payments wherever you talk to your customers. Learn More.

Getting to know the Disbursement dashboard

Do you need to send your payouts to your suppliers, employees, or any other bank account? Try out Disbursements through the dashboard! Learn More.

Getting to know the Payment dashboard

Manage, export, and refund payments through the Payments page on the dashboard. Learn More.