QR PH Soundbox

Real-time audio alerts for every successful payment

Confirm payments with real-time audio notifications, as soon as customers pay through your QR code.

QR PH Soundbox

Hear the sound of successful sales

Get another layer of security for your business — an audio alert for every confirmed transaction.

Real-time audio payment confirmation

As soon as a payment is completed, you’ll hear it — loud and clear. No need to double-check.

Battery-powered for flexibility

No need to be tied down to a counter; it’s portable to use in your store or even at events or pop-ups.

No more quick glances at your dashboard

With audio alerts, you can focus on serving customers while it keeps you updated on every payment.

A man in an apron holding a cup of coffee.
payment successful
music icon

Why the Soundbox

Best for busy stores

With real-time audio alerts, you can verify payments without looking at your phone or dashboard.
Best for busy stores

3X security against fraud

The Soundbox’s audio confirmation is a great addition to your Standee’s visual and SMS alerts.
A picture of a shield with a check mark on it.

Multi-payment support

Customers can pay through QR Ph with any of our partner banks or e-wallets.
bank logos

Portable and easy to use

The Soundbox is battery-powered — move it anywhere in your store or at events.
A woman is handing a sandwich to another woman and a QR Ph Standee.


Requires minimal upkeep, and integrates seamlessly with your QR Ph Standee.
QR Ph Standee

Built for businesses like yours

Here’s how we fuel your business growth and success
PayMongo’s Shopify plugin made accepting GCash seamless. Now, we no longer stress over payment confirmation and can focus on making our products.
Juan de la Cruz, CEO, Emma
A woman standing in a doorway with her hand up.
PayMongo’s Shopify plugin made accepting GCash seamless. Now, we no longer stress over payment confirmation and can focus on making our products.
Juan de la Cruz, CEO, Emma
A woman standing in a doorway with her hand up.
PayMongo’s Shopify plugin made accepting GCash seamless. Now, we no longer stress over payment confirmation and can focus on making our products.
Juan de la Cruz, CEO, Emma
A woman standing in a doorway with her hand up.
PayMongo’s Shopify plugin made accepting GCash seamless. Now, we no longer stress over payment confirmation and can focus on making our products.
Juan de la Cruz, CEO, Emma
A woman standing in a doorway with her hand up.
PayMongo’s Shopify plugin made accepting GCash seamless. Now, we no longer stress over payment confirmation and can focus on making our products.
Juan de la Cruz, CEO, Emma
A woman standing in a doorway with her hand up.

Sound or no sound? Choose your perfect fit

Whether you need streamlined payment processing or a fully interactive solution, we can match your needs with our Standee or Soundbox.
Transaction confirmation
Customer interaction
Payment verification
Set-up complexity
Best for

with QR Ph Standee

Visual (on customer's device)
Small shops, events, pop-ups

QR Ph Soundbox

Visual + Audio confirmation
Interactive with sound
Busy stores, restaurants, markets

with QR PH Standee

Confirming transactions is visual on the customer’s device. It requires minimal customer interaction and portable with easy setup. Ideal for small shops, events, and pop-ups — best for businesses that don’t need battery-operated devices.

with QR PH Standee + Soundbox

Confirming transactions is both visual and audible, creating an interactive customer experience. Battery-operated and portable, it’s perfect for busy stores, restaurants, and markets where instant payment verification is essential.

How to set up QR Ph Soundbox

success business registration
step 1

Sign up and receive your Soundbox

Register your business with PayMongo. Once approved, request the Soundbox to begin the setup.
Link the soundbox to your standee
step 2

Link the Soundbox to your Standee

Follow the simple pairing instructions to connect the Soundbox to your existing Standee.
Start accepting payments
step 3

Start accepting payments

Place the Soundbox at your checkout counter. You’ll hear audio alerts for every successful payment.

Frequently asked questions

Supercharge your business
with QR Ph Soundbox